‘The configuration data for this product is corrupt’ when attempting to install.

This is a pretty generic error that pops up every now and again when trying to install a package. It generally occurs when the product or a previous version has been installed prior, and has left duff information in the registry.

This specific issue is often a problem with a registry key held in


Each product will have a long ID that may look something like: 55A8AE9AEBDF57845B49DD2CB5911809

You need to find the key that relates to that product – it won’t always be obvious, but will often have the name of the product or manufacturer within the data for that key.

Rather than delete the key, I’d recommend renaming the long GUID – add -“old” on the end and rerun the troublesome package. This way you can revert if it’s the wrong one.

If it’s not obvious which key it is, you can use Process Monitor to find it. Leave it running, restart the installer which causes the error (windows will then access the key), stop the capture and do a search on ‘installer\products\’ to find the key that windows accessed.

Usual disclaimers on registry editing apply… Don’t blame me if you break it.





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